
czwartek, 26 lipca 2012

Windsurfing European Championship; RS:One, T 293, RB; Sopot 2012

There was little wind but a lot of sunshine so the time was pleasant. The races were held very close to the beach in Sopot and the boards were clearly visible to the public.

The real sport action was sparse but there are some portraits and compositions in the galleries from RS:One, T 293 and RB races

wtorek, 17 lipca 2012

Storm on day 2 of 29er EU Champioship Sopot 2012

Photos from the storm on day 2 of the 29er European Champioship are to be published soon at

The backstage shots are already there: 29ER DAY 1 - BACKSTAGE [ ]

poniedziałek, 16 lipca 2012

29er European Championship Sopot POL 2012

Very shifty and windy conditions on the Baltic Sea gave all 99 teams a run for their money on the first day of the 29er European Championship in Sopot, Poland. With the fleet split into 4 flights, the Race Committee was able to complete 3 races a piece for all flights giving all the teams a chance to experience racing in the conditions provided just off the beaches of Sopot.

With blue skies in the morning, flat water and wind of 15-20 knots with puffs to 30 were recorded but by the 11am start, the two courses were reporting 17 knots with oscillating breezes. A few general recalls were spread across the two race courses, but generally the races were run in a total of 4 hours with excellent management. As the day continued, the RC wind reports ranged from 6-22 knots.

At the days end, 29er veteran sailors Denmark’s Ida Marie Baad Nielsen and Marie Thusgaad Olsen lead with 4 points over Marit llena and Oriol Mahiques of Spain. Katja Salskov-Iversen and Christian Christfort Gormsen, also from Denmark sit in 3rd overall with 6 points.

[ from the official 29er Website 15 July 2012 ]

Good Luck!

Lotto Cup 49er Grand Prix Gdynia july 2012

Sailing formula one, the 49er class, raced in a competition based in Gdynia Poland. Lotto Cup 49er Grand Prix Gdynia july 2012 lasted for 3 days and hosted 6 boats from Poland and Sweden.

You can see the photos in a GALERY FROM THE LOTTO CUP 49ER

środa, 4 lipca 2012

7th in 'Fast movement shot for anything' on!

Fast MTB portrait was chosen as 7th in the 'Fast movement shot for anything' challenge on dpreview!

Check it by yourself!

AnO Sarna - wyniki!

Wyniki AnO Sarna zostały oblicznone!

Tu jest plik PDF z wynikami w wersji 1.2.

Do piątku 6 lipca zawodnicy mają czas na protesty a po 23:59 wyniki stają się ostateczne i zostaną doliczone do wyników cyklu Hanza AnO!

Bonus 3 - z pozoru tak łatwy do zdobycia - chwyciła zaledwie jedna drużyna. Sarna musi jeść tyle ile trzeba i nie więcej - przeżarta lub niedożywiona padnie łupem drapieżnika!

Deklaracja pkt została przeszacowana w 11 przypadkach, w 3 niedoszacowana, a 1 raz podana prawidłowo – zwycięzcy!

Kolejną edycją będzie AnO Łoś lub może jeszcze coś?!?